Saturday, February 16, 2013

How Log does it take to be successfull?

As I sit at my Daughters Swim meet And I know how hard they worked to get here.  We have Spent 3 Years of hard training for her to finally make it to winter champs, she now is ranked in her region. It did not come over night it took alot of work. So when it comes to business you can apply the same principle. You start slow but you work hard and after some time you will have a ranking. It maybe in your town in your county or in your region or state but the key is it will not happen overnight but If you work it you will success. I'm not saying there wont be ups and downs what I'm saying is if you continue to try you will succeed.

My do: Work hard and you will see your rewards come.

My don't: Don't Give up, don't expect it to happen overnight but continue to expect it.

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