Friday, March 1, 2013


Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them. Every one must be challenged. A day, dawns, quite like other days; in it a single hour comes, quite like other hours; but in that day and in that hour the chance of a lifetime faces us. The face every opportunity of life thoughtfully and ask its meaning bravely and earnestly, is the only way to meet the supreme opportunities when they come, whether open-faced or disguised.
What are your values do you know at the beginning of the day what you stand for and what you do not. I'm my husbands world everything is Black and white. In my would i have added a little gray because some circumstance I believe have a grey area. But I know my values and I know my Boundaries and I know what I will and will not do..
My Do: Know what your values are.
My Don't: Never stray from those values. People Respect people who know what they stand for.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Everything a Business own will expecience.



Be honest. Period. Otherwise, risk headlines you don’t want and the potential collapse of the enterprise, your people and your career. Unfortunately, every day we read of crooked business leaders – and their failing businesses – and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Even a “white lie” will turn ugly if uncovered. Just ask Scott Thompson, the former Yahoo CEO who was fired this year after falsely claiming on his resume that he had a degree from Stanford. Don’t risk it.
I found this In Forbes Magazine but it rings true for any business.
So my do: Be honest in all your dealing do not take advantage of those around you..
So My Don't: Don't lie, don't false advertise don't make promises you will not keep.

Lastly our motto in business We will always be honest and give you the best price we can the first time.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Small Leaks

Today Ill share something with you that my husband always says when we are reviewing our budget. And yes we budget our MONEY every Month. I get back To that at a later time.. Austins Robinson  Favorite Quote Small leaks sink big Ships!!! Now some of you are thinking what does that mean or how does that relate to business. Well if there is one spot where you are losing money you need to stop doing it. You may say that's too simple well yes but not really if your not sure what it is that is causing the leak you may have to do some real search.  You see the water Coming in but do you know where its coming from...My advice is keep search you will find it. I'm my Business my leaks are usually miss management of my cash flow, advertising wrong, order the wrong product and having to eat the cost, horrible at collecting money that's past due. If any of these are you leak don't worry we can fix them.
  1. 1st if you have a hard time managing your cash flow there is a great book out there by Dave Ramsey teaches you alot of what you need to do with and how to budget your money. Simplify this is Budget your Money its all you have to restock your shelves.
  2. Advertising this is harder to do than money. Advertising is essential to a business. The problem is catch your audiences attention will the right advertising campaign whether you are a large or small business advertising will either hurt or help.It needs to be done so find what is working best and put you money into that form of advertising. Social Media is a great way to do some free advertising. That would fix a leak because it FREE...
  3. Collections, I know we all hate that word but it has to be done either you or a person on your staff need to keep up with your invoicing. You need to call the 1st Day past due and let them know. It may have Been an oversight. Next you need to send out a past due statement. I always add finance charges due to the inconvenience it caused me. Third if they still haven't paid its time to turn over to a collection company. They may take some of the jobs money but how much would you get if you could never collect. So let the collection company do there job and you will see hopefully see something.
So DO: Know that Small leaks Sink big Ships, Check for leaks in your business
Don't; Just ignore it an think it will go away.... Be Proactive

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How Log does it take to be successfull?

As I sit at my Daughters Swim meet And I know how hard they worked to get here.  We have Spent 3 Years of hard training for her to finally make it to winter champs, she now is ranked in her region. It did not come over night it took alot of work. So when it comes to business you can apply the same principle. You start slow but you work hard and after some time you will have a ranking. It maybe in your town in your county or in your region or state but the key is it will not happen overnight but If you work it you will success. I'm not saying there wont be ups and downs what I'm saying is if you continue to try you will succeed.

My do: Work hard and you will see your rewards come.

My don't: Don't Give up, don't expect it to happen overnight but continue to expect it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day off...Do you work or do you just enjoy the day?

I start the day today knowing I don't have to go to work. Always looking forward to a day off. Even leaving town so I don't have to take the chance I will go to work. They only problem with that is no mater where I go I'm always thinking of new things to try, things I want to change, Thing that I could be doing. I also have a tendency to hand out business card and catalog as I go about my day. So truly a day off in my house me just a little less than a day at work. It means I don't have to go to the shop but you will always I find me networking. I think what I'm trying to say is that its okay to take time off, but its also okay to do some networking while you are out of town.

My do: Take time off. Don't be afraid to hand out business card or catalogs when you are out of town. You never know who you might meet and it could be your best customer..

My Don't: Don't be afraid to take time off and leave it in the hands of someone else as you go on vacation. Don't forget your business cards you never know when you will need them.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Business Plans and Change

Its the end of another business day. Its been a slow day so you find things to keep you busy. Your rearrange an old display. You find things that have been around for a while. You revisit the advertising you have been doing. You think about your business plan is it doing all you thought it would. Are you following your business plan? Do you have a business plan? So I guess my thoughts are If you have a business plan are you following and modifying it as needed? Do you have regular meetings with your business partners to discuss changes and to look into the future? My last Question would be do you have regular meetings with your employees and listen to there suggestions, also another good resource is you customers?

My DO: Make sure your updating as you go along, Listening to partners, employees and customers.

My Donts: Don't become stagnant if its not working see what you can do to change things. Don't believe you have all the answers. You can always improve somewhere, Where is that?